
圖說:攝於台南安平。觀夕平台。[2015/03/05, Thu.,沛沛澐澐 2y8m5d]



不知不覺,沛沛澐澐上 Music Together 已經快一年了,課程教材,也已經蒐集了四本。每一學期,都有幾首歌我特別喜歡。這一次的教材,《Triangle》,蒐錄了一首英國蘇格蘭民謠,『The Water Is Wide』。非常喜歡這首歌的旋律,老師這學期用這首歌當做搖籃曲(下課前總會放一首歌,讓孩子們躺下,閉上眼睛,靜靜的聆聽音樂,家長可以像哄孩子睡覺般,輕輕的隨著音樂在孩子身上打節拍,和緩上課奔放的情緒,為下課做準備)。每回聽到這首歌,眼睛總是濕濕熱熱的。上網查了一下,原來這首是首詠唱調,歌詞描述一個男孩一段有緣無份的愛情,難怪每回聽歌都感傷的想掉淚…。

* 2014/05/09,《【1y10m21d】第一堂音樂課:Music Together @ 竹北。伊布音樂小學院
* 2014/08/20,《【學齡前課程】Music Together @ 伊布音樂小學院



Music Together 的紐約老師們以合聲唱出的『The Water Is Wide』(來源:Music Together LLC):


Here's a sneak peek of the lullaby, "The Water Is Wide," from next semester's Triangle collection, sung by NYC-area teachers at a recent workshop. Enjoy this beautiful rendition!

Posted by Music Together LLC on 2015年3月25日



這邊節錄 MT 教材裡頭的歌詞。教材裡的歌曲是經過編譯的美國版本,歌詞與原曲稍有不同。

《The Water Is Wide》(寬闊的海水)
* Traditional, arranged and adapted by John McVey and K. Guilmartin

The water is wide I can't cross over 寬闊的海水我無法渡過
And neither have I wings to fly 我也沒有可以飛翔的翅膀
Give me a boat that can carry two 給我一艘可乘坐二人的船
And both shall row my child and I (原作是 my love and I) 讓我與我的愛人可以一起渡過




There is a ship and she sails the sea 那艘她渡海的船
She's loaded deep as deep can be 已經滿載
But not so deep as the love I'm in 無法乘載我的愛
I know not how I sink or swim 我不知自己該浮該沉
Oh love is handsome and love is fine 噢!愛是燦爛,愛是清柔
The sweetest flower when first it's new 初綻的花朵最為甜美
But love grows old and waxes cold 但愛如油盡燈枯
And fades away like morning dew 像清晨的露珠散去無蹤
The water is wide I can't cross over 寬闊的海水我無法渡過
And neither have I wings to fly 我也沒有可以飛翔的翅膀
Build me a boat that can carry two 給我一艘可乘坐二人的船
And both shall row my love and I 讓我與我的愛人可以一起渡過
And both shall row my love and I 讓我與我的愛人可以一起渡過


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