Melisa Nielsen 在 《Waldorf Essentials》 網站上提供的華德福推薦閱讀清單:《Waldorf Essentials Suggested Reading List》(pdf 連結)
1.《My Father's Dragon》by Ruth Stiles Gannett(中文版:《艾摩與小飛龍的奇遇記》)
2.《Elmer and the Dragon》by Ruth Stiles Gannett(中文版:《艾摩與小飛龍的奇遇記》)
3.《Super Happy Party Bears Series》by Marcie Colleen, Illustrated by Steve James
4. Arthur Pittis 的華德福讀本
1.《The Dragons of Blueland》by Ruth Stiles Gannett(中文版:《艾摩與小飛龍的奇遇記》)
2. Thornton Burgess 桑頓·伯吉斯的許多作品(例:伯吉斯寫給孩子的動物故事。森林探險系列看起來頗吸引人。只找到簡體書)
3.《The Peter Rabbit stories》by Beatrix Potter(中文版:《小兔彼得與他的朋友》)
4.《The Tales of uncle Remus: The Adventures of Brer Rabbit》by Julius Lester
5. 《Stories of the Saints: A Collection for Children》by Siegwart Knijpenga(簡體中文版:《聖徒故事》)
6.《The Monkeys and the Mango Tree: Teaching Stories of the Saints and Sadhus of India》by Harish Johari
7.《The Eight-Year-Old Legend Book》by Isabel Wyatt
8.《Saint Nicholas》by Jakob Streit
9.《Brother Francis, The Life of Francis Assisi》by Jakob Streit
10.《Saint Francis of Assisi: A Life of Joy》by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
11.《Brigid's Cloak》by Bryce Milligan
1.《Little House on the Prarie》by Laura Ingalls Wilder(中文版:《大森林裡的小木屋》及其他《羅蘭系列》)(澐澐反覆閱讀數次的《小木屋系列》)
2. Some American Girl
3.《Magie Tree House》by Mary Pope Osborne(中文版:《神奇樹屋系列》)
4.《The Kingdom of Beautiful Colours》by Isabel Wyatt
大部分都是 Jacob Streit 為華德福寫的書籍,就不詳細列出了
1.《Tal: His Marvelous Adventures with Noom-Zor-Noom》by Fenimore Cooper
2. Some Thor comics by Stan Lee(雷神索爾的漫畫,例:《Thor and Hulk》)
3.《The Secret Garden》by Frances Hodgson Burnett(中文版:《祕密花園》)
4.《The Little Princess》by Frances Hodgson Burnett(中文版:《小公主》或《莎拉公主》)
5.《Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone》by J. K. Rowling(中文版:《哈利波特(1):神秘的魔法石》)
6.《The Hobbit》by J.R.R. Tolkien(中文版:《哈比人》)
7.《Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard》by Rick Riordan(中文版:《阿斯嘉末日(全三冊)》)
8. Most books by Holling Clancy Holling
1.《Percy Jackson & the Olympians Series》by Rick Riordan(中文版:《波西傑克森套書》)
2.《To Be a Slave》by Julius Lester(奴隸的生活)
3.《The Adventures of Tom Sawyer》by Mark Twain(中文版:《湯姆歷險記》)
4.《The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn》by Mark Twain(中文版:《頑童歷險記 (或哈克歷險記)》)
5.《Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets》by J. K. Rowling(中文版:《哈利波特(2):神秘的魔法石》)
6.《The Hobbit》by J.R.R. Tolkien(中文版:《哈比人》)
7.《The Chronicles of Narnia》by C.S. Lewis(中文版:《納尼亞傳奇》)(終於提到了《我最愛的納尼亞》)
8. Homer's 《Odyssey》retold by Isabel Wyatt(荷馬史詩《奧德賽》)