

圖說:Cycle around Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 《World's best slow travel》。(image by Amsterdamize



好像該闢一個『flipboard』單元 --- 每次在 flipboard 上面看到有趣、有用的文章,就不斷轉寄回自己的信箱,但是真要整理在 blog 上分享,又是個大工程。偷懶一點的,就只是先把連結記錄下來,有時間再慢慢把內容翻譯補上囉~。




賞秋景路線:《Fall Foliage Ride Guide》(按:美國)


Aspen, CO、Burlington, VT、Angel Fire, NM、Yakima, WA、Asheville, NC、Lancaster, PA、Athens, OH、Sun Valley, ID





另一篇賞秋景路線:《Fall Foliage Bike Routes》(按:美國國內)



文中介紹的一條路徑在 Rochester, NY,三舅居住的城市(路線)。

另一條在加州的路徑是 2009年環加州賽第一站的路線,Sacramento, CA(路線)。





最適合騎單車旅行的六個城市:《Six Best Cities for a Bike Vacation》(按:以美國為主)


1. Banff, Alberta, Canada(加拿大的班夫國家公園):Banff 有多美就不用多說,騎著登山車穿梭在國家公園內 120 miles 的路徑,光是想像就很迷人。

2. Burlington, Vermont(美國東北滑雪勝地):念研究所時學校每年冬天都會舉辦到Burlington滑雪的旅行,我雖然懼高又對滑雪不在行,但每年都還是參加這個旅行,到雪地小滑一下、玩雪,重點是可以和朋友一起住在有廚房、客廳的大套房,煮飯、聊天,把累積一整個學期的壓力釋放。沒想到,原來這裡也有單車路徑,甚至可以接上 1,300 miles 的『Lake Champlain Bikeways system』,一路騎到 Quebec(加拿大魁北克)!

3. Charleston, South Carolina

4. Healdsburg, California(美國加州):"or visit on August 21 for the Tour de Vine, during which you'll ride with local vintners and chefs and feast on goat cheese and baguettes at the farmers' market"

5. Hetchum, Idaho(美國愛達荷州):最近在 flipboard 上看到好幾篇介紹 Idaho 的文章,似乎有相當吸引人的自然景觀。

6. Traverse City, Michigan(美國密西根州)





50條單車經典路線:《50 Rides of a Lifetime


1. The Cobbles of Belgium:比利時的石板路 - "Cyclists like to suffer",哈哈,真是一語中的。

2. Vermont's Green Mountains:美國新英格蘭地區的 Vermont 是賞秋楓最棒的地區。

3. Slickrock Trail, Moab:美國猶他州

4. Pacific Coast Highway, California:美國加州

5. Classic Climbs of the Tour de France:環法賽的經典路線,Alpe d'Huez, Mont Ventour, Col du Tourmalet,爬山、爬山、爬山.....。

6. Traverse the rocky coastline of Nova Scotia's Cape Breton Island:加拿大 Nova Scotia省的Cape Breton Island。

7. Kingdom Trails, Vermont:第七名又是 Vermont(第二名也是),看來 Vermont 真的很多經典單車路線。

8. Ride a Bike to Work:這條是來亂的嗎!?

9. Kyoto, Japan:春天櫻花開時,騎車在繽紛散落的櫻花下,也太浪漫了。

10. Switzerland's National Route System:瑞士。

11. The BC Bike Race:加拿大卑詩省單車賽。

12. Bordeaux, France:法國波爾多,城堡、酒莊、教堂。

13. A Charity Ride:"Every cyclist should pedal for a cause at least once",我們還沒有為慈善活動期過車耶。

14. Climb to the top of Cadillac Mountain in Maine's Acadia National Park:美國緬因州 Acadia 國家公園頂。

15. Boulder, Colorado:美國科羅拉多州。

16. L'Eroica:義大利托斯卡尼的『strade bianche』(white roads)。

17. Inca Trail, Peru:祕魯的印加路徑,不只騎在這古老路徑上很酷,這條路線也可能是世界上最長的下坡 -- 11,000 feet amd 36 miles on the Olleros Trail.

18. Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour, Cape Town, South Africa:非洲開普敦,參加人數最多的單車賽,之前在這篇文章介紹過。

19. Blue Ridge Parkway:美東的藍脊公園路,469 miles,爬升 6,000 feet。

20. Rent a Beach Cruiser:這條也是來亂的嗎?(網友對海灘單車的介紹

21. Pedal up and down Maui's Haleakala:夏威夷茂宜島。

22. Spin along singletrack on the Continental Divide on Colorado's Monarch Crest Trail

23. Icefields Parkway, Alberta

24. Amsterdam on a City Bike:在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹騎城市單車(同時被選在『World's best slow travel』這篇文章中)。

25. Follow American frontier history through Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi on the Natchez Trace Parkway

26. The Ripio of the Carretera Austral, Chile:智利

27. Passo Dello Stelvio:義大利

28. Ireland's impossibly green Ring of Kerry:愛爾蘭,一條環繞南部半島的公路,有著驚人的景致。

29. Oregon's North Umpqua River Trail:美國奧勒岡

30. Napa Valley, California:加州的Napa,有美麗的葡萄園,大哥帶我去玩過,不過是開車,下次可以改騎車!

31. Try a Velodrome:自行車場

32. Mt. Washington Auto Road Bicycle Hillclimb:"4,727 feet. 72 turns. Average grade of 12 percent, with the last 100 yards kicking up to 22+." --- 看完還有人想騎嗎!?

33. Barrel down singletrack through tunnels of July wildflowers on Trail 401 in Crested Butte, Colorado

34. New York's Finger Lakes:美國紐約五指湖。

35. The Maah Daah Hey Trail, North Dakota

36. West Coast of Tasmania, Australia:澳洲。

37. Ragbrai

38. Vietnam's National Highway 1:越南的一號公路,這也是在之前的 Top 10 路線有介紹過。

39. Ramble the rolling, cypress-covered hills between San Gimignano and Volterra, Italy:義大利

40. Going-To-The-Sun Road, Glacier National Park:美國的冰河國家公園,目前尚有25條冰河,估計到2030年冰河可能會消失。

41. Hit the purpose-built trails, cafes, and bike shops of Scotland's 7 stanes Mountain Bike Parks:蘇格蘭

42. California's Glendora Ridge and Mt. Baldy Roads:美國加州,爬山路線

43. Tour of the Moon

44. Follow the Danube River east past thousand-year-old villages into Vienna:奧地利,沿著多瑙河,經過千年歷史的小鎮,抵達維也納。多瑙河旁邊的單車路線我們騎過一段,Wachau Valley

45. Paradise Royal, California:美國加州

46. Thread through Basque Country and the Pyrenees on a Rioja-and pintxos-fueled excursion between the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean:西班牙,從比斯開灣,經過巴斯克地區和庇里牛斯山,到地中海。

47. DC to Pittsburgh along The C&O Canal Trail and Great Allegheny Passage:原來美國也有運河路線。

48. England's Lake District:英國的湖區。

49. Namibia:非洲,納米比亞,這段描述很有趣:"African bush, pink-orange dunes, shipwrecks. Oh, and elephants."。但是,要小心,在非洲騎車有可能被雄鹿撞到(影片在這)!

50. Dip your rear wheel into the Pacific and your front wheel into the Atlantic to bookend a Ride Across the United States - the ultimate American cycling pilgrimage.





十條不可思議的登山車路線:《10 Incredible Mountain Bike Trips


1. Canadian Cross-Country:The Chilcotin Mountains, British Columbia(這下一篇有介紹)

2. Into the Great Wide Open:The Maah Daah Hey Trail, North Dakota

3. Indulgent Singletrack:North Umpqua Trail, Oregon

4. A Desert Classic:The Kokopelli Trail, Colorado and Utah

5. Sweet Adventure:Sun Valley Singletrack, Idaho

6. Roll with the Incas:The peruvian Andes。騎在祕魯的印加文化遺跡中,這也太酷了!(Peru's Inca Trails

7. Thin-Air Odyssey:The Colorado Trail





加拿大卑詩省,奇爾科廷山:Best Mountain Bike Rides《The Chilcotin Mountains, British Columbia


* 相關文章,《A Late Summer Chilcotin Adventure》,有非常棒的照片。





騎乘在法國羅亞耳河谷(Loire Valley)的遊記:《Storming the Castles






一篇關於,Cyclocross,越野公路車,的介紹:《BikeSnobNYC's Guide to Cyclocross



『Cyclocross. Do it wrong, and it'll be the coldest, muddiest, most painful hour of your life. Do it right, and it'll be the coldest, muddiest, most painful hour of your life. It'll also be the most fun you'll have on your bike all year. Cold, mud, and pain are non-negotiable. If you're looking to try 'cross, here's a guide so you'll know what to expect. 』-BikeSnobNYC

* 關於 Cyclocross,網友的介紹





順便加碼一篇摔車的正確姿勢教學:《Legend of the Fall




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